METYX Composites moves to new headquarters

CIMJune17News - metyx
CIMJune17News - metyx

METYX Composites has recently relocated its headquarters team to new offices in Kozyatağı, which is in the heart of Istanbul.

Since 2003, when METYX Composites started, the headquarters has been located with the parent company Telateks AS at the Group headquarters and factories in the Tuzla industrial area, over 35 minutes by car south of Istanbul.

The new headquarters office space is needed to accommodate both current and future sales, purchasing, finance, accounting and management departments, which have all grown as the METYX Composites business has significantly expanded from one to three factories, adding new technical textile products and added value services, with corporate ambitions to double the business by 2025; there is space for additional head office staff that will be needed in the foreseeable future.

Ugur Üstünel, co-director, METYX Composites stated: “This move to our own headquarters marks an important milestone in our company’s history and signals our commitment to future investment and growth objectives.”


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